Debate Events

Modified World Schools Parliamentary Debate:

I. Rules & Guidelines:

  1. Each team will consist of 3 debaters, with one team on the Proposition side and one team on the Opposition side. The speech times are listed below accordingly in the “Format” section.

  2. Devices should only be used for timing. If it is used for other purposes, it will count as cheating.

  3. Please be respectful to other debaters and your judge. If any participants feel that they have been disrespected or bullied, please bring up your concerns to the tournament organizers.

  4. Debaters will be awarded speaker awards and finalist awards on top of participation awards so please don’t be discouraged if your team loses some debate rounds.

II. Format: Modified World Schools

  1. Points of Information (POIs) are allowed between the 1st and 6th minute of substantive speeches
    Order Time
    Prep Time 30 minutes
    Prime Minister 7 minutes
    Leader of Opposition 7 minutes
    Deputy Prime Minister 7 minutes
    Deputy Leader of Opposition 7 minutes
    Government Whip 7 minutes
    Opposition Whip 7 minutes
    Opposition Reply 4 minutes
    Proposition Reply 4 minutes
  2. There will be 4 preliminary rounds and the results of these rounds will determine which teams break (advance to the elimination rounds and final rounds).
  3. The elimination rounds include the Semi-Finals, and the Grand Finals

III. Motions (For both Novice and Open Debaters)

  • Motions will be given at the start of prep time before each round.
  • IV. Breaking Eligibility

      1. Debated for less than two years

      2. Have not participated in more than 3 international tournaments

      3. The ENTIRE team is composed of novice speakers (Composite teams are allowed)